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Step 1: Student Information

Filling out this form does not grant athletic eligibility. Once you submit the requested information, the form will be reviewed and filled out by the school you are transferring from (sending school) and the school you are transferring to (receiving school). Once the form is completed in its entirety, the student's athletic eligibility will be determined.

Step 2: Previous Schools Attended
Identify all of the schools this student has attended, starting with the 9th grade and concluding with the current school.
Step 3: Receiving School
Student Information Edit

{{ transfer.first_name }} {{ transfer.last_name }}

{{ transfer.email }}

{{ transfer.birth_date | date:'shortDate' }}

{{ transfer.grade_level }}

{{ transfer.address }}
{{ transfer.city }}, {{ transfer.state }} {{ transfer.zip }}

{{ transfer.resides_with_legal_guardian == '1' ? 'Resides with' : 'Does not reside with' }} legal guardian

Resides with {{ transfer.resides_with_name }} - {{ transfer.resides_with_relation }}

{{ transfer.parents_are_divorced == '1' ? 'Parents are divorced' : 'Not divorced' }}

Parents live {{ transfer.parents_live_separately == '1' ? 'separately' : 'together' }}

{{ transfer.was_unified_partner == '1' ? 'Participated in Unified Sports' : 'Did not participate in Unified Sports' }}

{{ transfer.club_sports }}

{{ transfer.has_nil_agreement == '1' ? 'Has NIL agreement' : 'Does not have NIL agreement' }}

Previous Schools Edit

{{ att.school_name || att.school.name }}

{{ att.school_address }}
{{ att.school_city }}, {{ att.school_state }} {{ att.school_zip }} {{ att.school_country }}
{{ att.enrollment_date | date:'shortDate' }} - {{ att.withdrawal_date | date:'shortDate' }}
{{ values.practiced ? 'Practiced' : '' }} {{ values.practiced && values.competed ? 'and competed' : '' }} {{ values.competed && ! values.practiced ? 'Competed' : '' }} in {{ activity }}
Athletic Director
{{ att.athletic_director_name }}
{{ att.athletic_director_phone }}
{{ att.athletic_director_email }}
Transferring To Edit

{{ transfer.school ? transfer.school.name : 'N/A' }}

Seeking eligibility in {{ activity }}

{{ transfer.had_prior_contact == '1' ? '' : 'Did not receive coaching from anyone at this school' }}

Received prior coaching in {{ k }} by {{ v.prior_contact_name }}


I declare that the answers provided above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that by entering my Full Name in the box below, I am digitally signing this declaration.

Your declaration is required.


Failed to Submit An error occured while submitting this form.

HTTP {{ submission_error.data.status }}
{{ submission_error.data.error.type }} {{ submission_error.data.error.message }}
{{ messages.join(' ') }}


Your information has been submitted successfully. The 550 Form has been submitted to your previous schools for their information. Should you have any questions, please discuss with your current school’s Athletic Director.